
Dan Pitt

2002-2007年之间他担任Santa Clara 大学工程学院院长;2007-2011年间Dan Pitt在美国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家多家初创公司中担任执行角色。Dan 从杜克大学获得数学学士学位,并在伊利诺伊大学获得计算机硕士与博士学位。

Title: MEF 3.0 and 5G: It can be orchestrated!
Abstract: MEF 3.0 provides a comprehensive framework for orchestrating services across a global system of automated networks in a transport-independent way. As 5G deployments appear, the initial ones slot right into the LSO (Lifecycle Service Orchestration) Reference Architecture, under the LSO Presto API. As more sophisticated 5G services reach the market, modest extensions to LSO constructs can accelerate and smooth the deployment of these services. In this talk we describe how MEF 3.0 and LSO not only accommodate 5G but enable important aspects of its automation, virtualization, management, and orchestration.

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